Installing pyeemd

The pyeemd module comes with a regular Python setuptools installation script, so installing it should be quite straightforward. The only catch is that you first need install libeemd, since pyeemd is only a wrapper for that library. Please see the README file distributed with libeemd for more details.

The pyeemd module expects to find the file either in the same directory as, or somewhere where ctypes.util.find_library will find it (most notably directories listed in the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable). You can also force pyeemd to use a specific file by setting the LIBEEMD_FILE environment variable.

To install pyeemd please run:

python install

In the top-level directory of pyeemd (the one with

If you want to specify an alternative installation prefix, you can do it as follows:

python install --prefix=$HOME/usr

To make sure everything is working correctly, it is a good idea to run the supplied unit tests with:

python test